
Kamis, 27 September 2012

UNrecomended Online Shop: Jonas Shop Indonesia

Well, aku udah cukup lama dan sering belanja online. Karena aku termasuk orang yang malas untuk keluar rumah. Saat semua orang berlomba-lomba untuk menulis review rekomendasi sebuah online shop, saat ini aku mau UNrecommended online shop!
Namanya Jonas Shop Indonesia. Kamu bisa temuin di twitter atau pun di facebook. Di profile twitternya dia berani bilang trusted. Dan dia banyak meretweet komentar pelanggannya yang puas dengan pelayanannya. Aku kalau beli sesuatu di online shop, pasti aku "stalking" dulu seluruhnya. Pelayanannya, barang-barangnya, komentar orang yang pernah belanja, dll. Memang sih di beberapa kesempatan aku lihat adminnya marah ke konsumen yang minta direfund. Well, ya kupikir konsumennya mungkin ya yang bermasalah. Selama ini aku belanja online nggak pernah neko-neko dan barangnya memang sampai dengan selamat dan aku puas.
Kebetulan aku lagi kepingin punya jaket varsity dengan namaku sendiri. Dan toko ini menjual jaket varsity dengan nama One Direction. Saat dia buka PO jaket varsity, dia bilang bisa customize namanya. Kupikir, waah klop nih sama keinginanku. Langsunglah aku sms nomor kontaknya, nanya, apa benar bisa customize? Bordiran di bagian dada, lengan, dan punggung bisa pakai namaku? Kebetulan aku mau pakai bordiran belakang dengan nama "Lala", bagian dada dan lengan dengan inisial namaku "LY".
Sampai sini oke tuh. Kutungguin dia balas smsku. Aku sms habis magrib, dia baru balas sekitar jam 11 malam. Dia bilang "di lengan nggak bisa customize, bisanya pakai desain dia". Aku mikir dulu kan tuh sambil ritual sebelum tidur (cuci muka, salat, pakai krim malam). Saat selesai ritual malam aku lihat hapeku lagi, rencananya mau balas yaudah yang di lengan nggak usah dipakaikan bordiran. Tapi ada sms lagi dari dia meralat smsnya yang sebelumnya, dia bilang "eh, bisa deh di customize yang di lengan". Oke aku udah senang kan tuh. Tapi entah kenapa dalam hati masih ada yang mengganjal. Kupikir itu mungkin memang keragu-raguan saat online shopping, karena menurutku online shopping itu gambling.
Besoknya baru deh itu aku transfer uangnya, soalnya kan pas sms udah malam.
Dia bilang varsitynya jadi 2 minggu, sekitar tanggal 16 September 2012. Saat tanggal 16 September 2012 aku udah menanti-nanti varsityku. Aku nungguin seminggu deh tuh varsitynya. Aku udah baca banyak yang varsitynya udah sampai. Yaa.. memang sih yang berdesain One Direction. Lalu akhirnya varsity yang aku tunggu-tunggu datang. Kubuka, kurasakan bahannya bagus, tebal dan lembut. Kuperiksa bordiran punggung, bagus, tulisan "lala". Kuperiksa bordiran dada, bagus, inisial "LY". TAPI saat kuperiksa bordiran bagian lengan, ini kenapa bordirannya "1D" inisial One Direction? Bukannya aku anti One Direction, tapi aku NGGAK ngefans sama mereka. Just, oh, ada boyband namanya One Direction. Just it! Mengecewakan sekali kan?
@JonasShopIndo kecewa sm OS ini.kemarin kan aku pesennya inisialnya LY di lengan sm dada.tp ini kenapa yg dilengan 1D sm yg di dada LY.Aku ga mesen yg 1D kan?!
Aku tanya sama orangtuaku yang memang kebetulan bekerja dibidang bordir-membordir, apa ini bisa didedel? Didedel itu istilah kalau bordirannya salah, benangnya diputusin satu-per-satu dan dicabutin, istilahnya tuh kalau di komputer di-undo. Mereka bilang nggak bisa, bahannya terlalu tebal dan bodirannya terlalu rapat.
Fine! Akhirnya aku hubungi lagi penjualnya, pertama lewat sms, nggak ada balasan. Lewat mention di twitter, nggak ada balasan. Lewat facebooknya, nggak ada balasan. Padahal di twitternya dia bisa loh nulis status dan promo! Kurang kesel apalagi coba? Aku akhirnya nge-watsap dia. Harapan terakhirku.
Aku tulis di setiap pesan aku via banyak tempat itu kekecewaan aku terhadap varsitynya. Betapa sakitnya dia diawal bilang bisa dicustomize ya?! Dan kecewa kalau memang ternyata nggak bisa dicustomize kenapa dia nggak hubungin aku? Konfirmasi dulu? Aku bilang, aku juga anak kuliah yang sibuk sama kuliahku, sama seperti dia, tapi aku selalu sempat membalas sms orang yang sms aku. Temanku juga banyak yang buka online shop, dan mereka masih bisa tuh membalas sms ku atau pelanggannya tanpa mengganggu kehidupan pribai mereka. Karena dia selalu menggunakan alasan ini untuk mangkir dari membalas sms. Hal yang simpel tapi penting. Dia juga sering beralasan kehidupannya bukan cuma jualan doang, dia juga kuliah. Ya kalau dia nggak bisa bagi waktu antara jualan sama kuliahnya mendingan nggak usah jualan lah!
Dan kalian tahu akhirnya dia membalas watsap saya beberapa hari kemudian! Dia bilang "Yaudahsih balikin aj. Kelar. Ntr gw ksh alamat gue". (Aku benar-benar menulis sesuai yang dia balas).
See? Tanpa minta maaf sedikit pun! Kalau dia minta maaf mungkin masih bisa ditoleransi ya? Lah ini, nadanya ketus sekali! Sama seperti saat dia balas mention salah satu pelanggannya yang minta di refund yang aku tulis diawal itu (read again: aku menstalk online shop yang mau aku beli barangnya).
Akhirnya aku balas aja watsapnya minta alamatnya dan minta direfund. Aku balas watsapnya itu tanggal 27 September 2012. Dan sampai tanggal 29 September 2012 aku nulis postingan ini, dia masih belum balas. Padahal aku lihat timeline twitternya dia aktif nulis twitter loh! Masa sih perlu lebih dari 2 hari buat balas pesan?
Aku menulis postingan ini untuk pelajaran aja, kalau di dunia per-online-shop-an ada kejadian yang seperti ini. Agar kalian bisa menghindarinya. Ini pertama kalinya aku mengalami kekecewaan belanja online dan ketemu owner yang nggak banget. Pembeli dan pelanggan harus menghargai satu sama lain. Bukannya pembeli adalah raja atau gimana. Semoga cerita ini bisa jadi pelajaran kita semua, pembeli atau pun pelanggan.

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Make Up and Style Challenge From Muimiu

Muimiu is having a giveaway! And you know what is the prize? It is not ordinary beauty stuff, but it is a Big Bang Alive Tour Concert ticket!
Actually I am joining because my dearest friend is a huge fans of big bang. I want to win the ticket for my friend! :D You can joining too in here.
Do you know Ga In from Brown Eyed Girls? Yeah, she is going to release a new solo album soon. And today the trailer is released. I always love BEG's song! And she is one of my favorite! As soon as I watch the trailer I want to try her make up! And it end up I choose her for this challenge.
Trailer ini adalah trailer lagunya yang berjudul "Tinkerbell". I love tinkerbell!
Well, saat lihat ini tolong diingat beberapa perbedaan wajah ku dan Ga In. Dia kulitnya putih, aku kuning. Wajahnya kecil, aku bulat. Dia monolid, aku double eyelid. Rambutnya pirang, aku hitam. But I try to make up as closely as her for my friend!
And here it is! BEG's Ga In
And this is me!
Well, make up ku bisa dibilang versi exoticnya Ga In! XD Actually it is too hard for me to take that picture! Karena it is almost like, no make up make up, right? I think it is hard to catch the difference from before and after for no make up make up. Tadinya mau tulis tutorial step per stepnya, but when I realized, I already finished! Damn.. Tapi nggak apa-apa kan cuma kayak FOTD? Ihihihi... I wish I could win! So I can give the ticket for my friend! :D
Bisa dilihat disini diperlukan alis yang agak tebal. Dan karena alisku nggak tebal, jadi aku pakaikan eyebrows pencil agak tebal. Mirip shinchan euy aslinya!
Untuk eyelinernya, yang diatas pakai style eyeline yang biasa aja, cuma agak dibuat panjang. Dan untuk yang di bawah, pakai eyelinernya pas di tengah-tengah mata aja, pas dibawah bola mata kalau bola mata  lagi lihat lurus. Dan aku tambahkan jewelry seal untuk efek tear dropsnya. Tenang aja, ini lemnya nggak kuat kok! Jadi nggak bikin sakit.
Untuk eyeshadow dan blush pakai seperti biasa, nothing special technique.
Lipsticknya ini yang agak tricky. Awalnya pakai lipstick wardah, but it end up too soft pink. Jadi warnanya nggak masuk di kamera, kesannya masih kayak nggak pakai lipstick, lalu aku tambahin Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer yang warna rhubarb, dan jadi keluar deh warna yang diinginkan. Burt's Bees ini adalah salah satu favorite aku, warnanya natural, keluar kalau difoto maupun aslinya, dan nggak bikin bibir kering.

What I use in that photo:
Lipstick : Wardah + Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer
Blush : Wardah
Eyeliner : Unbranded (beli di pasar, dan wow banget! Non-smudge, waterproof, easy to apply, and pitch black)
Eyebrows : Wardah
Face : Skin Food Mushroom Multi Care BB Cream SPF 20 PA+ and my dermatologist's loose powder
Tear : Jewelry Seal
Eyeshadow : Wardah dan Revlon

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Rich Man, Poor Woman

Synopsis from Wiki D-Addicts :
Oguri Shun plays Hyuga Toru, an affluent man whose personality is on the contrary, speckled with flaws. A CEO of an IT firm who is published on Forbes as a billionaire, Toru attained his fortune through chance and pure luck. A woman who meets Toru and eventually becomes attracted to him is Sawaki Chihiro, played by Ishihara Satomi. Chihiro is a hardworking college student at Tokyo University who has prepared for her future as much as she possibly could through studies and obtaining licenses. Despite her efforts, she has yet to land a job. Upon meeting Toru, she begins to unravel a genuine pureness inside him and solitude resulting from such pureness, which eventually draws her closer to him. The two repeatedly conflict each other, but little by little learn about one another to grow and develop together.

Despite the worldwide recession and financial difficulties, there are people like Mark Zuckerberg who began work from merely an apartment room or a garage that end up growing to be companies generating over ten billion dollars revenues after merely 10 years or so, embracing their new found wealth by living the dream life. Whether it's a game or application software, Ecommerce, or other IT related firm, there are more than a few who rose in fame to such status in recent years. On the other hand, Japan's unemployment rate for new grads dropped to a record low and those who want to work are unable to, or their wishes to work at their company of choice is not granted.
A Cinderella story of the real world. Will the two be able to compromise their values and lifestyles to become a happy couple? -- Fuji TV
IMDB gives this drama 8.3 out of 10 point. It's quite high, right? It is another cinderella story. Cliche story but timeless. I know - I know... maybe you are tired of Cinderella story, but if you watch this drama, you'll feel that you want to make a company that yours only like Toru did!
Shun Oguri.jpg
Shun Oguri as Hyuga Toru
I know Shun Oguri since he played as Izumi Sano in "Hanazakari no Kimitachi e" and Shinichi Kudo in "Detective Conan". I must admit he has charisma to make my attention to him! In my humble opinion, he is not that handsome or cute like Yamapy or Korean actor, but his acting is great and you can't help but starring at him all the drama! He has character! In this drama he played well as Hyuga Toru, an arrogant-asocial-genius-programmer who has a company named Next Innovation.
Ishihara Satomi as Makoto Natsui
At beginning of this drama she introduced herself as Sawaki Chihiro to draws Hyuga's attention to her. She is signing up for job in Hyuga's company. But because of Hyuga's arrogance, a lot of people have to go home without interview. One of them is Natsui. Natsui has an excellent ability to rapid recall as the contrary of Hyuga, who always forget people's name and face.
Sawaki Chihiro is Hyuga's biological mother. Natsui knows it because far from Hyuga's success, he visited her hometown to search his biological mother. That is when they meet from the first time as Hyuga lived in Natsui's family inn. But because Hyuga always forget something unnecessary to him, he didn't remember it.
Because of her ability to rapid recall and attention as Sawaki Chihiro, finally Natsui work in Next Innovation as an internship. She is working to help the company in "Personal Files Project".
I really want to be Makoto Natsui, she is a student in Tokyo University, my favorite university, and she has rapid recall ability! And yes, if you recognize her as the main actress of "Sadako 3D" which aired nowadays in Indonesia's theater. I think her acting is great!
As the drama goes on you can guess love is blooming between the two of them. Well, as I always love, this drama don't provided a lot of skin ship! The two of them just kiss in the last episode. But in this drama you can't forget to name Aibu Saki.
Aibu Saki as Asahina Yoko
She plays as love rival for Natsui. Maybe some of you think, "I think I know this girl". Yeah, she plays in drama "Rebound" and "Buzzer Beat". Well, the first time I see her, I don't like her! Sorry, no offense, but she kinda looks like a b****h to me. Every drama of her, I always see kissing scene or even bed scene! You can call me old fashioned but I don't really appreciate a movie or drama which sell skin ship!
Last, even this is a cliche story of cinderella story, but the director is good enough to present it in a good way and exciting! Not that lame thing. This drama makes us feels "doki-doki" to see the next episode. Thanks god, as this is a Japanese production, it only in 11 episode with 1 special episode which contain the journey of Next Innovation from the bottom. And I love the soundtrack of this drama! It is addicted! I love the song, "Hikari E", by Miwa especially the english version! It makes me understand more about the song. And Miwa's pronunciation in the song is not bad!


Kamis, 13 September 2012

[Buzz Korea] Asian On Air Program

Well, annyeonghaseyo (hello in Korean)
My name is Latifah Yulia from Indonesia. I am an Indonesian who live in Indonesia *no wonder, right?* You know how I love writing and traveling. Is it not something correspond each other? Well think again!

This time I am joining (again) an event to win a (free) holiday in South Korea. Well, maybe I am so stubborn to joining this kinda event again and again. Actually, I am afraid to fail again in all essay competition I am joining. "Will I success this time? or will I fail?" I am asking myself. But a lot of a successful person that I read the biography, have went through a lot of failed life and rejection. Deep in my heart I always say, "why don't you try this time again? Maybe you'll win this time. Thomas Alfa Edison is also went through a thousand of failed research just to find a light bulb".
"yeah, if you want the world remember and recognize you, you have to stubborn and hard work more than any average people do" -me
One of my favorite author said, "With writing you can change the world and people will always remember you". After I went through consultation with my best friend, Oppy, and my sister, Dewi, I though why must I give up?

So here I am trying to reach my passion to travel around the world before I am die: writing an essay about things I want do in Korea as competition from "Asian On Air Program".

One thing that I want to do before I am die is to see the world, traveling around the world, learning another culture. So basically I want to have an experience the world. One part of world is Korea. Who don't know about Korea these days? No one! Uhm, well, except you live inland in the middle of nowhere without internet connection.

This little country (no offense, but being compared with China or US with a huge territory, Korea is small, right?) has become "it girl" recently. Something that will always in people conversation. Thanks to entertainment sector of this country for advertising the culture of Korea into the world. With Kpop and it's Kdrama who intensely introducing the culture, a lot of people become more curious about Korea. In the world of technology nowadays, it is so easy to searching information about almost everything.

Korean Traditional House
Source:  http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/AC/AC_EN_4_5.jsp

When I want to learn something new about a lifestyle of a country, I'd prefer to stay in the native household. It is a good opportunity to experience traditional Korean lifestyle and culture.

When I stay there, I want to use a Hanbok as my daily uniform in there. Hanbok is atraditional clothes from Korea like Kimono in Japan or Kebaya in Indonesia.

Source: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanbok

And I want to try make a homemade kimchi and soju. Kimchi is a traditional fermented Korean dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings. Soju is a distilled beverage's native name for shōchū in Korea.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimchi

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soju

Besides, I want to having an adrenaline and beautiful experience in Lotte World, Everland, and all amusement park. Because I love riding an adrenaline ride!

Lotte World
Source: http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/SI/SI_EN_3_1_1_1.jsp?cid=264152

Source: http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/SI/SI_EN_3_1_1_1.jsp?cid=264235

I want to enjoy the scenery of the so famous Nami Island and Jeju Island. Visiting Korea is not complete if you haven't come to this two iconic island right? Especially I want to visit Nami Island in winter or autumn! So the atmosphere would be great! As for Jeju Island, I think visiting it in summer or spring would be a great idea!

Nami Island
Source: http://koreanblogs.blogspot.com/2012/05/nami-island.html

Jeju Island
Source: http://imagestour.blogspot.com/2012/06/korea-jeju-island-island-tours.html

If I have to mentioning all I want to do in Korea I think it wouldn't be fit in the post. I love traveling and adventuring. I am very excited to learn something new for me. I am listing Korea as one of my holiday destination before I die. I wish Korea Tourism Organization and Korean Air can choose me.. :D

Please don’t forget to help me by give your “Likes” in my post on Facebook, leave your comments below, retweet on twitter and spread this news to all your beloved friends too!

You can join here too!



Minggu, 02 September 2012

Buzzer Beat

Yuhuu~~ I am back with another dorama to review. This is one of my new favorite drama. As always, I watch this drama because they cast Keiko Kitagawa in here. I already told you how I adore Keiko Kitagawa so much! Tehehehee...
Keiko Kitagawa as Shirakawa Riko

So this is the synopsis:
Kamiya Naoki is a young player from a professional basketball team. But due to his relatively smaller size and his tendency to crack under pressure, he is unable to show his true skills on the court. Meanwhile, Shirakawa Riko is a cheerful, strong-spirited music college graduate aiming to become a professional violinist. One day, Riko finds Naoki's lost cell phone on a bus, and their meeting begins a friendship that eventually turns into love. However, Naoki was already considering marriage with his current girlfriend. And it doesn't help matters that Naoki's coach has fallen in love at first sight with Riko!
When I watch this drama, there are a lot of familiar Japanese actor and actress! Like Tomohisa Yamashita as Kamiya Naoki. He is the famous Yamapi whose my friends are crazy about! XD When I am in high school I joined Japan Club because I love manga, anime, and cosplay. Never thought of dorama or even J-Pop. But now I am crazy about dorama and realize, "ooh.. he is the one that my friends crazy about". When you see him for the first time, you might say he is resembling Kim Hyun Joong! The one that cast as Yoon Ji Hoo in famous "Boys Before Flower" k-drama. They do look alike!

Kim Hyun Joong

 And there is Oomasa Aya as Kamiya Yuri, Naoki's sister. She is the one who cast as Nakahara Sunako in "Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge" and the one who cast in "Paradise Kiss" movie along with Keiko Kitagawa too. Oh, and she casted in "Beautiful Love" along with Micky Yoochun.

Oomasa Aya

If I mentioned all the cast who I know and famous, it will be a long story! So here it is my thought about the drama. It is a great drama I think. The skinship is not too much, but enough. I always hate romance drama with a lot of skin ship. The acting is so real. They really can bring out the act of couple falling in love. And the basketball game is so great! It really is professional. The progress of the love between Naoki and Riko is not too suddenly and growing up steadily. And it is only 11 episodes!
Oh, and it is the rating:
Episode Subtitle Ratings
1 The Power of Love Makes People Stronger!!
A Hero on the Brink of Activation!! First Quarter Special Program
15.5  ?  ?
2 The Summer of Love Begins!! 13.5  ?  ?
3 A Secret Between Two People 14.0  ?  ?
4 A Shocking Evening 14.1  ?  ?
5 Your Tears 13.5  ?  ?
6 Promise 13.8  ?  ?
7 An Extra Fifteen Minute Special!! ... I Won't Part From You 13.5  ?  ?
8 Please Don't Go 17.5  ?  ?
9 A Torn Bond 15.0  ?  ?
10 Final Chapter ~ Goodbye13.7  ?  ?
11 Last Quarter Seventy-Five Minute Expanded Conclusive Special!!
13.8  ?  ?
Average14.3  ?  ?
source: video research, Ltd
IMDB gives this drama 7.2 points of 10 points. And one thing that I hate about this drama is the quality of the camera is not clear, it is like a sephia photo. Not too clear like k-drama.

IMDB-Buzzer Beat
wiki.d-addicts-Buzzer Beat

Sabtu, 01 September 2012

September Giveaway

1. Make Up, Beauty, and Fashion Giveaway
It is one another amazing giveaway!

Giveaway Prize:
♥ Real Techniques Core Collection.
♥ Sleek Makeup Storm i-Divine Palette.
♥ OPI Vintage Minnie Mouse Mini Collection.
You can join here !

2. Iambabypanda's Thanksgiving Giveaway
This is another great giveaway form ina, she generously give us :
♥ All the twenty four (24) shades of the Etude House Dear My Blooming Lips Talk Lipstick 
♥ Etude House Sun Prise Fresh Sun Powder SPF 50/ PA +++
♥ Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream
♥ Etude House OMG Dry Shampoo
♥ Pink Ipod Shuffle 4th Generation
Wow~ you can joining her giveaway here!

3. Cominica Mini Giveaway
Cominica, one of my fave blog helding a candy doll mini giveaway! I want to try candy doll lipgloss, the color looks so opaque and beside I love the color of the gift. You can join by click here!

4. Mimoyoja First Blog Giveaway

 Mimoyoja holding their very first blog giveaway! You can join here!


I enter this amazing giveaway. You can get:
bh pallete
 4 julep polishes
and a hello kitty eyeliner
You can join the giveaway here

6. The Black Pearl 2000 Followers Giveaway
 This giveaway is open internationally and you can join here!

7. Yevi Ng 1st International Giveaway
 Yevi Ng is having giveaway for international winner! You can get:
  • Precious Mineral Sun BB Cream SPF 50+/PA+++ 35gr W13 Natural Beige
  • Dear My Blooming Special Gift Set 
You can join here!

8. MissKatV's 2500 Followers Giveaway

The prizes are:
  • 2 boxes of help: clear skin (14 sachets)
  • fanny serranno powder blush in cinnamon stick
  • natasha beauty face mattifier
  • natasha beauty powder foundation
  • sketches pressed powder
  • natasha beauty lip and cheek tint
  • peau d' or pearl self tanning lotion

You can join in here!

9.Sigma Beauty Travel Brush Kit Giveaway!!! *Opens Internationally*
You can win one of the brush kit! I wish I win the pink one! You can join here!

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