Synopsis from Wiki D-Addicts :
Oguri Shun plays Hyuga Toru, an affluent man whose personality is on the contrary, speckled with flaws. A CEO of an IT firm who is published on Forbes as a billionaire, Toru attained his fortune through chance and pure luck. A woman who meets Toru and eventually becomes attracted to him is Sawaki Chihiro, played by Ishihara Satomi. Chihiro is a hardworking college student at Tokyo University who has prepared for her future as much as she possibly could through studies and obtaining licenses. Despite her efforts, she has yet to land a job. Upon meeting Toru, she begins to unravel a genuine pureness inside him and solitude resulting from such pureness, which eventually draws her closer to him. The two repeatedly conflict each other, but little by little learn about one another to grow and develop together.
Despite the worldwide recession and financial difficulties, there are people like Mark Zuckerberg who began work from merely an apartment room or a garage that end up growing to be companies generating over ten billion dollars revenues after merely 10 years or so, embracing their new found wealth by living the dream life. Whether it's a game or application software, Ecommerce, or other IT related firm, there are more than a few who rose in fame to such status in recent years. On the other hand, Japan's unemployment rate for new grads dropped to a record low and those who want to work are unable to, or their wishes to work at their company of choice is not granted.
A Cinderella story of the real world. Will the two be able to compromise their values and lifestyles to become a happy couple? -- Fuji TVIMDB gives this drama 8.3 out of 10 point. It's quite high, right? It is another cinderella story. Cliche story but timeless. I know - I know... maybe you are tired of Cinderella story, but if you watch this drama, you'll feel that you want to make a company that yours only like Toru did!

Shun Oguri as Hyuga Toru
I know Shun Oguri since he played as Izumi Sano in "Hanazakari no Kimitachi e" and Shinichi Kudo in "Detective Conan". I must admit he has charisma to make my attention to him! In my humble opinion, he is not that handsome or cute like Yamapy or Korean actor, but his acting is great and you can't help but starring at him all the drama! He has character! In this drama he played well as Hyuga Toru, an arrogant-asocial-genius-programmer who has a company named Next Innovation.
Ishihara Satomi as Makoto Natsui
At beginning of this drama she introduced herself as Sawaki Chihiro to draws Hyuga's attention to her. She is signing up for job in Hyuga's company. But because of Hyuga's arrogance, a lot of people have to go home without interview. One of them is Natsui. Natsui has an excellent ability to rapid recall as the contrary of Hyuga, who always forget people's name and face.
Sawaki Chihiro is Hyuga's biological mother. Natsui knows it because far from Hyuga's success, he visited her hometown to search his biological mother. That is when they meet from the first time as Hyuga lived in Natsui's family inn. But because Hyuga always forget something unnecessary to him, he didn't remember it.
Because of her ability to rapid recall and attention as Sawaki Chihiro, finally Natsui work in Next Innovation as an internship. She is working to help the company in "Personal Files Project".
I really want to be Makoto Natsui, she is a student in Tokyo University, my favorite university, and she has rapid recall ability! And yes, if you recognize her as the main actress of "Sadako 3D" which aired nowadays in Indonesia's theater. I think her acting is great!
As the drama goes on you can guess love is blooming between the two of them. Well, as I always love, this drama don't provided a lot of skin ship! The two of them just kiss in the last episode. But in this drama you can't forget to name Aibu Saki.
Aibu Saki as Asahina Yoko
She plays as love rival for Natsui. Maybe some of you think, "I think I know this girl". Yeah, she plays in drama "Rebound" and "Buzzer Beat". Well, the first time I see her, I don't like her! Sorry, no offense, but she kinda looks like a b****h to me. Every drama of her, I always see kissing scene or even bed scene! You can call me old fashioned but I don't really appreciate a movie or drama which sell skin ship!
Last, even this is a cliche story of cinderella story, but the director is good enough to present it in a good way and exciting! Not that lame thing. This drama makes us feels "doki-doki" to see the next episode. Thanks god, as this is a Japanese production, it only in 11 episode with 1 special episode which contain the journey of Next Innovation from the bottom. And I love the soundtrack of this drama! It is addicted! I love the song, "Hikari E", by Miwa especially the english version! It makes me understand more about the song. And Miwa's pronunciation in the song is not bad!
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